
  • June, Texas

    June, Texas When I lie back and float My ears below the closed surface of the water, I hear no cicadas No high-frequency ringing, No arthropodic singing Repeating through the elms Just the ceaseless sound of so much water Siphoned off by the square, tiled mouths of the swimming pool’s drains

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  • Return to References

    J’observe Since returning to drawing after a nearly four-year hiatus, my practices have oscillated between strict adherence to references and a complete disregard for them. When I first began drawing again, I felt horribly insecure—as in, how is it that I went from drafting fluently and on-the-fly to not being able to draw proportionate faces,…

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  • Coup de soleil

    Chemical Exfoliants and Vulnerability I recently bought a beauty product which contained chemical exfoliants (AHAs, BHAs) and thus issued a warning about heightened sun sensitivity in two languages. This is where I learned the French term for sunburn is coup de soleil. A four-pane mediation followed.

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