
  • August’s Objets D’art

    The Leg, the Frog and the Highball Glasses With my precious sister, K., visiting and a pocketful of spending money from my recent bridal shower, I had all the justification I needed this month to hit the antique stores of Dallas and add a few purely fun pieces to my collection of belongings. The Leg…

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  • Tanukichan: Sundays

    Summer So Far The unbroken string of triple-digit temperatures in Texas this summer has had me longing for music better matched to the delirious heat: Tanukichan’s Sundays has turned out to be just that. This album is chock-full of all the crunchy, fuzzy, shoe-gazey guitar sounds you could ever want, but what makes it all…

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  • Women Painting Women

    Highlights from The Modern Among my very favorite kinds of places to spend time (and money) are restaurants and Modern art museums, so when A. told me his dad wanted us to meet at the Café Modern in Ft. Worth for Father’s Day brunch, I was happy to come along. Better than the meal itself…

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